Amalie Arena
Tampa, FL
Vinik Sports Group
Vinik Sports Group (VSG) engaged Sensory Interactive to design and realize a monetized digital platform to modernize Amalie Arena in Tampa Bay, Florida.
Amalie Arena is already home to the Tampa Bay Lighting NHL. VSG was interested in further elevating the profile and value of the arena campus to attract more high-profile events.
With the vision and objectives in place, Sensory Interactive developed an Assessment and Business Strategy to modernize, improve, and expand the site’s digital platform and generate new revenue. During the Conceptual Design & Programming process, our team worked closely with VSG stakeholders to revise our mix of assets and location to better align to their vision and achieve a greater revenue return.
The expanded digital platform at Amalie Arena required an amendment to local signage regulations. Our Strategy & Design team leveraged our familiarity with the project and entitlements package to develop a detailed signage package for submittal to the city. Our team also provided expert testimony to secure the allowances for our comprehensive platform.
This project is subject to a tight timeline, with a planned go-live date for the 2024-25 NHL season. To meet this aggressive timeline, our team of PMs has worked closely with Strategy & Design and the client to draft, revise, and issue procurement documents to ensure the platform stays on schedule and no projected revenue is lost.